It’s seven months since I left the cosy nest of my familiar, sensible, relatively safe, reasonably well paid job as a marketing and PR consultant and stepped out into the world of being self-employed and baking for a living. I blanche when I think of myself as a professional baker, but that is what I suppose I now am!
It’s busy, very. And I’m loving it, and from the feedback I have been receiving our guests do too!
Living the dream is a cliché, but here I am. Room Forty was my dream and it is now real and thankfully very live. ‘Routine’ is a distant memory, every day is a unique adventure, everything (except doing the books of course!) is an opportunity and much of it an adrenaline rush.
Room Forty has developed in so many ways that I had never predicted, but it’s a thrill exploring the avenues which open up. I’ve developed and grown not only as a baker but also as a business woman. Much of the time I’m so engrossed in the task ahead that it’s difficult to reflect back, but, I’m proud and really pleased at where Room Forty is at. Without exception every customer has been delighted and that thrills me. I set out to create a product that was extra-ordinary, exceeded expectations and resonated ‘quality’ and Room Forty is meeting those standards.
The core business of Room Forty will always be providing afternoon tea’s, but, I’m now supplying selected outlets with biscuits, cakes, tea and preserves, hiring out and selling vintage china and also running Room Forty events; I’ve organised baking classes, a successful pop up in July, the Artisan feel-good Fayre in Lymm in November and am running another pop up version of Room Forty at the Croxteth Artisan Fayre over the weekend of 10/11 December (do come along!).
Enquiries are ever increasing and the diary is filling up, with bookings already made for March and July!Other opportunities continue to appear and it is all looking very exciting. 2017 will also see Room Forty’s sister business Forty Communications taking a leap forward, - more about that in a future blog!
I have learned so much in the past seven months, and while I have way to go, I am pleased with how it has gone. Thanks to everyone for your support and enthusiasm; customers, friends and, especially, my lovely family who I must also thank for their patience as well (weekends are now spent working, as well as most evenings and alas, meal times are often erratic).
My only enemy in this venture has been time, or rather lack of it. There never seems to be enough time to crush everything I have to do into the hours available. So here’s hoping that Santa brings me an eight day week on 25 December!